The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently released the CY2016 Accountable Care Organization (ACO) financial results. Carolina Medical Home Network is pleased to announce that CMHN ACO has outperformed the target cost benchmark that is set by CMS. The ACO reduced their overall spending over the course of 2016 by $400 per member per year. CMHN ACO outperformed the ‘All MSSP ACO’ peer group. The overall Quality Score for CMHN was 96%.
In 2015, the NC Community Health Care Association created an Accountable Care Organization under the umbrella of Carolina Medical Home Network. In 2016, the CMHN ACO was comprised of six health centers: Advance CHC, Gaston Family Health Services, Goshen Medical Center, Piedmont Health Services, Roanoke-Chowan CHC, and Rural Health Group. The ACO is under a Medicare Shared Savings Track 1 model, which is a no-risk model that allows for potential shared savings.
Congratulations to the ACO health center CEOs and staff and the NCCHCA staff that supports this project!